Thanksgiving is a time when family and friends fill their bellies, laugh, and drink wine. Full bellies, laughing, wine. This track "before you died" is an excellent song. Simple, yet the emotion in his voice seems to ride the tone in his basic but catchy chords. Thanksgiving is the moniker for which the young, apparently well known, Adrian Orange records under. He's a Portland based musician and in his late teens early twenties. I'm ashamed I haven't already heard about this guy, he's already dropped 5 disks. Go check them out here. A few reviews; 1 • 2
Thanksgiving - Before you Died
Thanksgiving - Now It's All Over
Thanksgiving - The Glass is Low
Bright And Hollow Sky have some interesting stuff.
Bright and Hollow Sky - Going Down
Bright and Hollow Sky - Firecrackers
I stumbled upon Bright and Hollow Sky through the Pop Faction record label. I was led there via VCR, a friend of a friend of my girlfriend, family friends son. So a VCR member is a family's friends friend. Jesus. Anyway, the disk I was lent is rather...well, it caught me off guard. Synthesizer, bass, and drum driven, it's different. The lead singer at times reminds me of Chuck Mosely, Faith No More's lead singer from their first album "Introduce yourself." Though that's only at times, VCR clearly have their own nook. Check out the pop faction site for more. Disk Review.
VCR - Kings and Queens of Winter
This is a feature NPR had today on Sound Exchange, an online music royalty thing for musicians. Listen.
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