1234. Well, the pictures came out about as well as you'd expect considering the photographer was sitting next a speaker loud enough to rattle you silly. Nothing that Photoshop couldn't help out with though. Below is a 30 second clip from the show. The audio is rough, but it's still neat.

The Pixies - "Hey" (quicktime 0:30)

Also, here are the demo's pre-pixies. Very interesting stuff with just Frank Black on guitar. I think this was at college somewhere in Boston.

Keeping In Time
Draw Attention

And that's that. Thanks for the pics, movie, and original fb stuff T.

Other tracks today come from Mirah and Havox. Mirah has drawn comparisons to Cat Power from what I've read, while Havox bring that surf rock to mind. More Mirah and Havox here and here

Mirah - Water And Sleep
The Havox - I Believe