Brooke's Graduation, Natural Bridge....Christian Fellowship?
Ashley, BC, Cindy, Alexe, Lindsay, and I traveled down to Radford this past weekend for Brooke's graduation from RU. I've been down that way before, but never to Radford itself and it was a beautiful town. Ash graduated from Radford, which most of you know, so she was able to escort me around and show me some of the choice places she used to frequent as recently as 6 years ago. Very neat! Enjoy!
Photos before graduation(who's that silly tart in khaki pants?), at the Cooke building, a box with diplomas, and Brooke walking in and walking out! Congratulations Brooke!
After the graduation, Brooke's customized message, and Ash showing me around her dorm.
Back at Brooke's apartment, Ashley and Brooke, chasing a sunset, the fountain from Ash's post prior to this one, party, etc.
And on the way back we decided to hop off onto Route 11. I saw a sign for the Natural Bridge so we decided to stop off and see it:
As you can tell, that's not the Natural Bridge. It's a mountain. We ended up at the Visitors center, but the GPS told me to take a right, so I listened. We ended up on a back road winding through the mountains - wide enough for 1 car - and headed towards the "Natural Bridge Christians Fellowship" or something. Haha. While usually I'd be quick to blame the GPS, I typed in "Natural" to the thing and just hit go instead of looking at the destination. I mean, who the hell would have thought there'd be a fellowship tucked away in this Valley that had anything to do with the Natural Bridge? Crazy. Anyway, with no way to turn around, we rode it out for about 40 minutes. There was definitely some scenery though, which was nice.