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November 08, 2008

Sam & Lo's in the Fall

This morning Lolies, Sampson, and I went for a nice long walk to the creek.  As the days have grown shorter, our walkies schedule has totally flip flopped.  Instead of going after work at 5:30(dark), we have to go in the early morning 3 days a week and on the weekends.  Anyway, here are a few photos from our walk this morning, Saturday the 10th of December.

Sam licking his chops:

Lola in her spastic sprint:


Sam posing:






And that's it!  I'm going to get back into blogging big time here as Ashley and I have finally received our fantastic good news!  She's pregnant.  So, we're in a blogging war, which she'll ultimately win, but I'm going to give it my best as I'm lobbying for a baby name of Sergio for a boy and Wilma for a girl!  ha!

The goober:


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