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October 07, 2008

Wilmington, NC - Oct 4th-6th

Ash, Brooke, and I got back from Wilmington last night and it was, to say the least, an incredible time.  Matt lives a few houses from the ocean on Wrightsville Beach.  We cruised into town on Saturday afternoon around 4 and kicked around the area for a couple of days, the weather was absolutely flawless.  I fear this could be the last of the beach weather for the year, nonetheless, lucky for us we were able to experience it.

In fact, it was so great that the local gang of ducks was out on our walk to the bar prior to the Skins triumphant victory on Sunday.  They weren't too friendly, and if you look close enough you'll see one of them has a red bandanna on.  He was the pack leader.  Apparently he takes them all through town, creating issues with the locals, stealing bread from the bakery, and crossing the roads at will.  

Unfortunately, for me, I had only brought along my Redskins sweater.  That meant I had to borrow Matthews and somehow squeeze into the shirt.  Never fear, it was "go time" after a few minutes.

So, after yelling at the top of our lungs and drinking 7 pitchers of beer during the Skins game, we left "Jerry Allens" for "Buddy's," an intimate little bar a few paces from the beach.  After that, we headed to downtown Wilmington to the Brewing Station, which I really don't remember.  I wish I could tell you more ;)

Anyway, a great time was had by all, I just wish we had another couple of days.  We'll be back!

October 03, 2008

Fleet Foxes

I'm venturing down to DC this evening to catch the Fleet Foxes at the Black Cat. I'm very excited. These guys have been making noise for quite a bit and bowled over the press with their self titled first release, Fleet Foxes. This video was made by a fan, but there are a few other songs such as "White Winter Hymnal" which remind me of CSN. Have a listen!

Fleet Foxes at Myspace

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